Sustainable IT in Tanzania

Simply IT Believes Sustainable IT matters

Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword anymore; it’s a way of life the world will need to adopt to curb climate change. Sustainability refers to a number of practices, including reducing our reliance on certain energies, limiting our GHG emissions, and changing how we shop or commute.

Governments and businesses must consider sustainability as making decisions based on the ethics and responsibility of the business, from the ecological footprint to each global business practices. Then there’s the business cost: the energy you pay for that runs your IT infrastructure alone is a significant percent of your overall expenses.

Despite relying on technology, companies that are in non-tech sectors tend to be more wasteful than technology companies. That’s because non-tech firms may be less aware of the sustainability that smarter, cutting edge tech can offer.

Importantly, promoting your company for its sustainable efforts might not result in cheaper business processes, but doing the right thing is increasingly important for customers—so championing greenness can improve your brand’s image. (Global retailer Patagonia is a great example.) Note that sustainability shouldn’t be used merely as a marketing mirage; instead, sustainable practices should be incorporated in your business processes.

For more information on how we are helping to make IT sustainable and ecologically ‘green’ read our article on ‘Making IT Green’.

To Sustain: Maintain & Train LOCALLY

The overriding principles of robust digital development are to maintain projects locally in Tanzania and train locally

We are in Zanzibar, an island off the Tanzania mainland, to provide services locally.  One of the many benefits to you of choosing a local design and website  development team is it reduces misunderstandings and miscommunications. Not only are we in the same location, we are also on the same wave-length.  We understand your challenges and the great opportunities on Zanzibar.

We also train LOCAL technicians. We are working closely with the Daraja Foundation to help mentor and develop local IT specialists, who live here. 

We are very aware that historically young people who wish to pursue a career in IT leave the island to go to the mainland, East Africa or beyond… and never return.  We want to reverse this brain-drain.  It’s a sad loss of local resources.

We want to keep professional I.T. resources in Zanzibar and to make them affordable. 

If you want to know more about how we do this please look at some of our Sustainable Case Studies below. 
